Just your average scumbag from the slums of Florida, terrorizing anyone and everything and posting my toons and tunes to the interwebs.

Wyatt @TheKursedOne

Age 20, Alpha Male

Governor of Florida

School sucked, fuck that shit


Joined on 3/2/20

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TheKursedOne's News

Posted by TheKursedOne - January 28th, 2025

Welp another year gone and arguably my most wasted one yet, graduated High School and progressed with my life but creative wise I just been sitting and thinking. Other than that I larp about politics all day. Anyway here is a list of everything I have made in 2024.

My second remake of Nya Nya Dance -


Re uploaded some of my earliest animations from 2017-

Ball 1, Ball 2, Ball 3, Ball 4

Reuploaded Hank Hill x Peter Griffin Hot Sexy Porno -

The next day I uploaded progress on my take on the Its An Ice Cream Truck meme, its never going to be finished for anyone asking -


Later that month I probably uploaded my most offensive project yet, The Sexiest Pico Movie Ever which later got changed to an A rating by Newgrounds mods -

Then came the LL 3 - 10 Second Collab which I hosted and it was based on the 3 Second Collab -

Then posted a short shitpost to YouTube telling people to follow my Newgrounds called Follow Mah Newgrounds -


Looking back I was beyond unproductive, I want to get myself back into the Newgrounds community and it's hard for me to. I was hella active 2020 - 2021 and fell out of it hard. What holds me back is a lack of Windows where I know how to animate in Flash and MS Paint. I am stuck on Linux (or Steam OS) and dont know how to boot Windows onto a Steam Deck. My plan right now is to buy a shitty laptop for about $300 dollars and it have Windows 10 or 11 and I could acess everything I knew how to use. Anyway expect a return to animation sometime in March or April.


Posted by TheKursedOne - November 16th, 2024

Right now I am still wanting to make things, animation has not been an interest for awhile but I am still making art and I now have a heavy interest in writing. For now I think I might just be updating my Toyhouse and might post art here every now and then. I also want to make other things like music and I do know how to play bass guitar some but for now writing and drawing might just be my focus. I also plan on using this blog more.

One more thing, I am updating the Wikigrounds Lock Legion page, I am trying to do it daily. So much shit was so out of date that it needed to be updated. For example it said Toad Lock was hosting servers, meanwhile that version of the website is long shut down and it is now Trash Lock who runs the servers. Also there are many links that lead to nowhere, possibly sketchy because they were left to rot for so long, links that lead to the wrong place and those links that need to be added or removed.


Posted by TheKursedOne - September 21st, 2024

So here I am on this site again, hello everybody, it's everybody's least favorite inbred Imp or Kursed, I go by a million names.

Anyway here is a vent about a problem I just cant fix. I have always felt young, too fucking young. Born in the wrong generation if you will, laugh if ya want, I'm used to it, I'm pretty much a drunk birthday clown. Anyway I write this at 19 and for as long as I can remember, the topic of wanting to go back has been on my mind. I have always just wanted to be, older, in the 2010's or for time, technology and culture to stand still in about 2014 or so. Never felt like I related to my peers on main stream things. I just talk about the past. Mainly old YouTube, old Newgrounds, old 4chan, Hatena, etc. It just felt, good. I dont know if thats me just being addicted to childhood memories except, I never used any of these except for YouTube and even then, I wish I was older. I wish I could have created shitty animations back then. In 2005 I was born, In 2010 I was 5, In 2015 I was 10 and this is around the time I started just wanting to go fucking back. I dont know, just nothing makes me happy about modern day things. Covid made the world different, nothing seems the same anymore. If I could have been born in a specific year I would pick 1995, but that is not possible and never will and it drives me nuts.

All these old flash movies, kinda wish Imp was in em. Wish I could be on these old forum boards. Wish I was animating on a DSi back in the day on Hatena. I just cant get what I want. At this point I'm fuckin rambling, Idk what I'm even saying.


Posted by TheKursedOne - May 25th, 2024

The Lock Legion is back for Lock Day :3



Posted by TheKursedOne - May 12th, 2024

So my schedule, yes schedule because I'm not obsessively a spam animator anymore, I have fucking standards

  • May 20th Kart Kollab is due. I want to make several parts. Hopefully thats accepted, but Krazy (still deciding), Strawberry Clock (holy pope vehicle), Banana Lock (canoe), Kitty Krew Mascot (skateboard)
  • May 26th is Lock Day, despite me not really liking making Lock Legion animations anymore I still feel like I should make a Lock day animation, btw notice how I don't say flash, I animate in windows movie maker and and ms paint now because its simple and doesn't over complicate my autistic brain, but yea it is more difficult to animate in, idk if that makes sense. Anyway it be a short animation being the classic Imp Lock / TheKursedOne spam animation stuff, but of course with some improvements.
  • October 12th the Nemgrounds Brainrot And Scam Ad Collab, I am making multiple skits to fill up the 10 second requirement, I am aiming to get 20 seconds personally but so far I have a CC skit animated, complete brain rot the Clock Crew is gonna hate it. I also have something Total Drama related planned but of course yall gotta wait till October to see it and whatever else crosses my mind will come.
  • February 2025 / Clock Crew Flash Flood. I wanna release a short 4 part series at the beginning every week to introduce my new Clock who is like, evil n shit lol. I am getting rid of Imp Clock, The beginning of the series starts with the new clock gunning him down in cold blood. Imp Clock has always just been Imp Lock designed to be used in the Clock Crew to participate in Clock Crew collab's for fun. At this point in time I don't really care about the Lock Legion but I still hold Imp Lock close to me because I am using him or at least an updated design of him in a comic I am working on. I guess just call the Imp Lock from my Lock animations classic Imp.

Unscheduled Shit, comes out when it comes out:

  • Its An Ice Cream Truck. Animation meme I am putting a shit ton of effort into. This is the original and this is my progress.
  • Typical Clapped Seal Video, Parody of my least favorite furry on the internet.
  • Bedfellows / Alfred's Playhouse Fan Animation. I wanna make 2 versions, the Youtube and the Newgrounds endings. Both will be short videos but be themed around Sheen and Fatigue having a conversation and then Alfred being a terrorist and Counter Strikes, Counter Terrorists / Terrorists win at the end of each round. I wanna have a different fourth character appear at the end of each video but its unlikely for the NG version. But the Youtube one could have Pico in it.
  • Taxedermy - LL. Inside "joke". I think I scared people with my career intrest XD.

Unfortunately I am planning on missing

  • None scheduled rn

Hoping I can do

  • June 9th Piconjo Day but it may not be likely but there is a sliver of chance with this one.
  • January 10th FNAF Collab but I need to write a part for it
  • April 20th 2025 Easter, I have a idea for a skit with my characters




Posted by TheKursedOne - April 23rd, 2024

Thats right fucker, after about 2 years of shitty animation memes and borderline going insane im back to this account on Newgrounds, though its not gonna be the whole Lock / Clock thing anymore. I made my own cast of characters and I intend to use them. Also im still using Imp, I made him and nobody can stop me XD. But yea, hoping I can drag myself to make something cool, I want to make something for Pico day since I have missed out on it since 2020 or 2021, fuck idk when I joined. At least I joined before FNF, I fuckin hate that game XD. Also I am gonna start participating in collabs, gotta get my foot back in this bitch because I learned I have no clue how to interact with people on Newgrounds anymore. Unless your my homie Redbook Clock, I fuckin love that dude, most metal dude in the Clock Crew. Anyway Im back and gonna make bigger and better shit.

Posted by TheKursedOne - March 5th, 2024

Yea all those other accounts forget em, using this one now only, it has history to it. I also kinda regret leaving newgrounds because now I dont know how to interact with people, LL is dried up and the CC just aint for me. So I will try to do stuff with my original characters but yea. I want to come back.


Posted by TheKursedOne - January 26th, 2023



Posted by TheKursedOne - June 20th, 2022

Im tired of being edgy I also grew up alot these past few months and learned what was right and wrong. So if I ever offended anyone im truely sorry and it wont happen ever again.

I also regret some of the language I used. It took meeting and making new friends to teach me why it was wrong. Anyway im somewhat back and a new person :) - Impiu_672469_7885193.png